Free email accounts are available everywhere, most notably from Hotmail and Yahoo. But did you ever think to wonder what an email address like does for your professional image?
As a business owner, using free email is not such a great idea. Sure it’s free and saves you money, but free email accounts can be more hassle than they are worth. Here are some reasons why:
Automatic spam filters can incorrectly identify your messages as {Spam?} and the recipient may never see your email.
Internet fraud is largely known for using free email accounts to conduct it’s business. Making an on-line purchase using a free email account could result in your order not being processed.
It is very difficult to get an email address that does not have numbers and/or extra characters in it.
Some email accounts include sponsored advertising. You could be sending out advertising for a company you don’t even know in every email you send out.
Tell your customers you are in business with an email address that works with your domain name! Select a highly identifiable domain name that works to brand your company name, then use an email address like
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